Continuous focus on quality

Launching our Quality Improvement Project

We’re on another mile of our journey!  This mile will further improve our quality awareness and culture. Quality should be a focus for everyone in the company – from management to the shopfloor as well as all stakeholders and every department.

Quality makes us different

Resilux tries to differentiate itself from competitors by focusing on core values such as delivering excellent quality and service. To live up to our promises, it’s essential that we – both as individuals and as a company – must consistently put quality front of mind. And it isn’t just about products, processes or systems. It’s something that we should demonstrate in everything we do. Training, good communication and encouragement will help us all succeed in this. 

Three pillars of quality

To start the Quality Improvement Project, we will focus on three pillars:

  • Quality awareness
  • Right first time
  • Best Practices

We will prepare action plans customised to each plant to focus on the most relevant issues from the three pillars. This topic should be on the agenda of every local EXCO meeting to show commitment from the top and be supported by local cross-functional teams. Quarterly meetings between the Q-managers will be held to share best practices in the Group. 

Remember: Quality does not just begin with a ‘Q’. It must be followed by ‘U’!