Mile 11/25:
Let's all think of ways to safe energy

Tell us your energy saving ideas!

As you know, energy prices rose enormously during 2022. Since energy is Resilux’s second highest cost, this had a significant impact on us. Every year our group uses 245 gigawatt hours. To put it in context, that’s 245,000,000 kWh (kilowatt hours) – or equivalent to 70,000 four-person households using 3,500 kWh each.

Clearly we must control this.

We need your help 

Mile 11 of our 25 Mile project is all about energy saving. That’s why we have launched the Resilux Group Energy Saving Project. Through this initiative we want to reduce our energy consumption by at least 10% in 2023. Some large projects have already been started, such as saving energy on our cooling, using LED lighting in warehouses, and altering working procedures. 

Small things can also make a big difference: turning off the lights when leaving the office; setting the heating one degree lower; powering-off parts of the line during changeovers, maintenance and stops; or reporting air leakages so they can be repaired. 

You can probably think of many more ideas to save energy. If so, please email them to

We are looking forward to receiving your ideas, so we can reduce energy consumption together.